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We’re here to serve you! Reach out anytime for a free consultation or more information about our exceptional services at Laviva Clinic. Our team is ready to answer all your questions and support you through every step of your treatment journey.
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Merkez, İskenderoğlu Sk. No:45, 34381 Şişli/İstanbul
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Frequently Questions
Contact us now
If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to ensure you have the best possible treatment experience. Thank you for choosing Laviva Clinic!
What services does Laviva Clinic provide?
Laviva Clinic offers a comprehensive range of services, including cosmetic surgeries, hair transplantation, dental treatments, and obesity surgery. Additionally, we provide full medical tourism support to ensure a seamless experience for our international patients.
Do you provide free consultations?
Yes, we offer free consultations to help you understand our services and determine the best treatment options for your needs.
What techniques are used in the treatments?
We use advanced techniques across all treatments, including laser technology for skin and dental procedures, FUE and DHI methods for hair transplantation, and CAD/CAM technology for designing the Hollywood smile. Our goal is to ensure precision and achieve natural, lasting results.
Do you provide transportation and accommodation?
Yes, we offer comprehensive transportation and accommodation services for our international patients, including airport transfers, clinic visits, and stays at premium hotels near the clinic to ensure a comfortable and convenient experience.
Do you have a team dedicated to caring for international patients?
Yes, we have a dedicated team specialized in supporting international patients, ensuring they receive personalized assistance throughout their medical journey, from arrival to departure.
Laviva Clinic offers a comprehensive range of services, including cosmetic surgeries, hair transplantation, dental treatments, and obesity surgery. Additionally, we provide full medical tourism support to ensure a seamless experience for our international patients.
Yes, we offer free consultations to help you understand our services and determine the best treatment options for your needs.
We use advanced techniques across all treatments, including laser technology for skin and dental procedures, FUE and DHI methods for hair transplantation, and CAD/CAM technology for designing the Hollywood smile. Our goal is to ensure precision and achieve natural, lasting results.
Yes, we offer comprehensive transportation and accommodation services for our international patients, including airport transfers, clinic visits, and stays at premium hotels near the clinic to ensure a comfortable and convenient experience.
Yes, we have a dedicated team specialized in supporting international patients, ensuring they receive personalized assistance throughout their medical journey, from arrival to departure.
Contact us now
You can visit our clinic in Istanbul tourist center
Istanbul Türkiye